Cherokee Indians Food

Cherokee Indians have a long history of being close to their Cherokee Indians Food and food preparation. Mealtime centered around sharing meals and bringing the community together and celebration ceremonies were quite popular.  Corn was a high priority on the list followed by squash, beans, pumpkins, and melons. Blackberries, blueberries, mushrooms, and nuts also were also highly consumed. The women of the tribe often grew the vegetables and gathered the various other items that were not grown.

Cherokee Indians Food Cooking

The Cherokee have perfected the art of food with every member of the tribe serving as a farmer, hunter or gatherer. Clay pots were used for cooking or food was buried in hot coals. The Cherokee women made sure there was enough to eat throughout the years tending to the farms and the men hunted using every part of the animal as the Cherokee never hunted for sport. The deer served as the number one animal for their needs. The skins were used for created clothing for all members of the tribe with the women crafting the various beadwork on some items.

Cherokee Indians Food

What did the Cherokee eat?

The Cherokee foods were hearty and robust, often cooked on stone hearths. Soups and stews were made frequently as one-pot dishes and corn, squash and beans were often planted together as “three sisters”. and used in a variety of dishes. Cornbread was served as a side. Also, a staple of Cherokee Indian food was wild onions which could be eaten raw or cooked and mostly served with eggs. Fish was quite popular as well alongside deer and turkey with popcorn as a beloved snack. Cherokee Long Ear popcorn creates a beautiful snack and can also be ground into cornmeal or added to a soup. Its varieties of colors from yellow to black to purple, red, white and blue is what made it desirable and tasty.

Cherokee food Recipes

For the Cherokee, their recipes are handed down from generation to generation. Their corn was used in a variety of ways, from tortillas to flatbread like Indian tacos to hominy which is still a staple food. Rabbits and turtles also made appearances in dishes. Even squirrels and groundhogs were on the list along with wild turkeys, bears, and small game was also frequently hunted.

Cherokee Indians food can vary from tribe to tribe especially in the bread recipes with fry bread being quite a favorite. Bean bread is a staple dish that is simply made with cornmeal and brown beans. Succotash is another popular Cherokee dish that includes corn and beans with the addition of squash and bacon that was consumed on a regular basis keeping the tastes and memories of the Cherokee alive for years to come.

Today’s Tradition Cherokee Foods

As mentioned above, the recipes are still being passed down and many Cherokee that still lives on reservations and even some that are in the general population still enjoy the recipes of the ancestors.

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